2025 Syllabus - Vocal

Songs from Screen and More

Songs that were written for, or first appeared in, a movie or film.

Here's an up-to-date list of songs allowed: omfa.ca/ssam-chart

Performance Requirements

  • Competitor Age is as of December 31st, 2024.
  • Competitors must perform one (1) or two (2) selections from the SSAM Chart list found in the link above.
  • Competitors must perform with an acoustic piano accompaniment. Live or Recorded.
  • Provide all necessary details of your selections, including accurate timing. "To Be Decided" in any field will not be accepted.
    The only exception to this is the field labelled "Movement/Musical". If your piece does not have any movements please put "none".

Provincial Qualifications

Beginner - Primary (Ages 6-10): Up to three (3) competitors per Age Category will be recommended for the Provincial competition (OMFA) held virtually. Deadline to register after receiving recommendation is May 12, 2025.

Elementary - Adult (Ages 11+): Up to three (3) competitors per Age Category (4 for Advanced) will be recommended for the Provincial competition (OMFA) held live in Kitchener/Waterloo in June (9-14).

Competitors must perform the maximum amount of selections allowed and receive a minimum mark of 85 in order to receive a recommendation.

Please refer to the OMFA Virtual Syllabus and OMFA Live Syllabus page for detailed information.

Trophy - T class codes

Class:T11300 - Beginner - Ages 6-8

One or Two selections - Total time limit 10 min

Class:T11301 - Primary - Ages 9-10

One or Two selections - Total time limit 10 min

Class:T11302 - Elementary - Ages 11-12

One or Two selections - Total time limit 10 min

Class:T11303 - Junior - Ages 13-14

One or Two selections - Total time limit 10 min

Class:T11304 - Intermediate - Ages 15-16

One or Two selections - Total time limit 15 min

Class:T11305 - Senior - Ages 17-18

One or Two selections - Total time limit 15 min

Class:T11306 - Advanced - Ages 19-28

Two to Three selections - Total time limit 20 min

Class:11307 - Adult - Ages 29 and Over

One or Two selections - Total time limit 15 min
