Important Notes for School Entries:
Class | Fee | |
Class:P13201 - Secondary School Class A Senior Choirs (Grades 9-12) - SATB Voicing - Winner Dawson Woodburn Memorial Trophy Perform two contrasting pieces. SATB. One or both unaccompanied. Total time limit 20 min. | Fee:$65.00 | Closed |
Class:P13202 - Secondary School Challenge Class Choirs (Grades 9-12) - SATB Voicing - Winner Alex Clark Memorial Trophy Test Piece - Public Domain (click link to view score): Exsultate Justi - Ludovico da Viadana Perform test piece plus two contrasting pieces at a similar level of difficulty. Choirs must be entered in "A" class to compete in this class. Total time limit 20 min. | Fee:$65.00 | Closed |
Class:P13203 - Secondary School Class B Senior Choirs (Grades 9-12) - Winner Frank & Patricia Barrett Memorial Trophy (SATB Choir) / Karen Schuessler Singers Trophy Perform two contrasting pieces, SATB or SAB. Both may be accompanied. Total time limit 20 min. | Fee:$65.00 | Closed |
Class:P13204 - Secondary School Chamber Choirs - Winner Scott's Highland Services Trophy Test Piece - Public Domain (click link to view score): O Magnum Mysterium - Tomás Luis de Victoria One contrasting piece of a similar level of difficulty, accompanied or unaccompanied. Limit 24 voices. Popular showtunes, vocal jazz, barbershop, and novelty selections are not to be used. Total time limit 20 min. | Fee:$50.00 | Closed |
Class:P13205 - Secondary School Intermediate Choirs (Grades 9-10) Perform suitable SAB or SATB repertoire. One or two selections. Total time limit 20 min. | Fee:$55.00 | Closed |
Class:13206 - Secondary School SA Choirs - Winner Earle Terry Singers Alumnae Plaque Various combinations of SA voicings are allowed. Perform two contrasting selections. One or both unaccompanied. Total time limit 20 min. | Fee:$55.00 | Closed |
Class:13207 - Secondary School TB Choirs Various combinations of TB voicings are allowed. Perform two contrasting selections. One or both unaccompanied. Total time limit 20 min. | Fee:$55.00 | Closed |
Class:P13208 - Secondary School Madrigal Ensembles - Winner William Zadorsky Trophy No maximum number of voices - SATB. Perform two contrasting selections. Total time limit 20 min. | Fee:$50.00 | Closed |
Class:P13209 - Secondary School Madrigal Octets - Winner Oriana Trophy Maximum 8 voices - SATB. Perform two contrasting selections. Total time limit 20 min. | Fee:$50.00 | Closed |
Class:13210 - Secondary School Triple Trio (SSA OR TTB) - Winner Kiwanis Rose Bowl Maximum 9 voices - SSA or TTB. Perform two contrasting selections. Total time limit 15 min. | Fee:$50.00 | Closed |
Class:13211 - Secondary School Pop/Folk Class Choirs Two contrasting selections with flexible voicing at a level of difficulty appropriate to the students' development. Total time limit 15 min. | Fee:$50.00 | Closed |
Class:P13212 - S.A.T.B. or S.A.B - Mixed Voice Choir combined with Band or Orchestra - Winner Marlene and Gerald Fagan Trophy and $500 Award Perform two contrasting selections. Total time limit 20 min. | Fee:$65.00 | Closed |
Class:13213 - Elementary School Primary Choirs (Grades 1-3) - Winner Michael H. Farrow Memorial Cup Any voicing, any number of voices. Perform one or two selections. Total time limit 10 min. | Fee:$35.00 | Closed |
Class:P13214 - Elementary School Junior Choirs (Grades 4-6) - Winner Cathy Clark Trophy Any voicing, any number of voices. Perform one or two selections. Total time limit 10 min. | Fee:$35.00 | Closed |
Class:P13215 - Elementary School Intermediate Choirs (Grades 7-8) - Winner Carol and Brian Strachan Trophy Any voicing, any number of voices. Perform one or two selections. Total time limit 10 min. | Fee:$35.00 | Closed |
Class:P13216 - Elementary School Choirs Grade 8 & Under Any voicing, any number of voices. Perform one or two selections at a level appropriate to the students' development. Total time limit 10 min. | Fee:$35.00 | Closed |
Class:P13217 - Elementary School French Choirs Grade 8 & Under - Winner Le trophée de l'association français Any voicing, any number of voices. Perform one or two French selections at a level appropriate to the students' development. Total time limit 10 min. | Fee:$35.00 | Closed |