2025 Syllabus - Percussion


Performance Requirements

  • Competitor Age is as of December 31st, 2024.
  • Competitors must enter the category that matches the oldest level of the competitors.
  • Multi-movements of one work will be counted as one (1) selection.
  • Provide all necessary details of your selections, including accurate timing. "To Be Decided" in any field will not be accepted.
    The only exception to this is the field labelled "Movement/Musical". If your piece does not have any movements please put "none".

Provincial Qualifications
In each Age Category, up to three (3) competitors will be recommended for the Provincial competition (OMFA) held virtually. Deadline to register after receiving recommendation is May 12, 2025.

Competitors must receive a minimum mark of 85 in order to receive a recommendation.

Please refer to the OMFA Syllabus page for detailed information.

Class:04100 - Beginner - Ages 6-8

One or Two Selections - Total time limit 5 min

Class:04101 - Primary - Ages 9-10

One or Two Selections - Total time limit 5 min

Class:04102 - Elementary - Ages 11-12

One or Two Selections - Total time limit 5 min

Class:04103 - Junior - Ages 13-14

One or Two Selections - Total time limit 5 min

Class:04104 - Intermediate - Ages 15-16

One or Two Selections - Total time limit 8 min

Class:04105 - Senior - Ages 17-18

One or Two Selections - Total time limit 8 min

Class:04106 - Advanced - Ages 19-28

One or Two Selections - Total time limit 8 min

Class:04107 - Adults - Ages 29 and Over

One or Two Selections - Total time limit 8 min

Class:04108 - Adult and Child

One or Two Selections - Total time limit 8 min
