Rules & Regulations

Test Pieces
Entries and Entry Forms
Program Procedures
Awards and Trophies
Complaints and Protests


Syllabus and Program
Correct Class
General Guidelines for Choirs, Bamds, and Orchestras
Videos, Flash Cameras, Interviews, Recording Devices


  1. The competitions shall be under the management of The Board of Directors of The Kiwanis Music Festival of London Inc. hereinafter called "The Board".

  2. All matters not dealt with in these rules shall be submitted to "The Board" whose decisions on such matters shall be final and binding on all concerned.


  1. All competitions shall be open to non-professionals only. For the purpose of these competitions, a non-professional shall be defined as: "any person whose principal means of livelihood is not obtained from the professional practice or teaching of music, even though he/she may from time to time accept remuneration for musical services rendered."

    Music doctoral students are considered professionals.

  2. All non-adult classes have an age limit of 28. All other age limitations are specified in the class description. Competitors must be of the prescribed age on December 31, 2024.

  3. University music performance majors must only enter classes at the open level.

  4. Competitors may enter as many classes as they wish, providing that level restrictions are strictly observed.

  5. Competitors may enter the same class more than once with one or two additional selections at the same level.

Test Pieces

  1. Entrants may enter in more than one instrument Section.

  2. Classes will prescribe either a TEST PIECE or OWN CHOICE.

  3. All music selections that are OWN CHOICE must conform to the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) or Conservatory Canada (CC) Syllabi for solo classes in Graded Levels. Music selections for Age Level classes does not need to conform to a Syllabus.

  4. Entrants may not perform the same TEST PIECE/OWN CHOICE in more than one class at the same festival.

  5. One or Multiple movements of a multi-movement work will count as one selection.

  6. Entrants must perform ALL selections at the same level and at the level in which the competitor is currently studying. They may NOT enter multiple levels for the same instrument.

  7. On the entry form, the class number, title, composer, and playing time must be indicated for all OWN CHOICE selections to ensure processing. Playing time are crucial for scheduling.

  8. Entrants must not exceed the time limit stated in the syllabus. The adjudicator may stop any competitor who exceeds such limit.

  9. In ALL classes, Entrants must provide a copy of the music (conductor's score where applicable) for the adjudicator's use. This will be given to the adjudicator's secretary immediately preceding the respective competition and received from the secretary immediately following the competition. If original music is not provided, the student will receive adjudication only.

  10. The Board recommends that test pieces in all solo classes be played or sung from memory. Memorization gives the impression of superior preparation and provides a more polished performance. Brass, Woodwinds and Sonatas for String Instruments are exempt from memorization at all levels.

Entries & Entry Forms

  1. All entries must be submitted electronically. Each contestant must submit a separate electronic entry form for each class entered. Correct spelling of the teacher's name, address, and phone number and accompanist, if any, is also important. All entries must be filled in, INCLUDING THE PERFORMANCE DURATION IN MINUTES, accompanied by the entry fee, and received on or before the entry closing date. For Festival 2025, the closing date is Saturday, Deccember 21, 2024. Forms that are incomplete will be returned to the applicant. For small ensembles (duets, trios, etc.) only one form is required showing names, instrument, and date of birth of each entrant. Correspondence will be directed to the person responsible for submitting the entry form.

    Late Entries Will Not Be Accepted

  2. All entry fees will be paid electronically. Entry fees will not be refunded, except where the Entry is rejected by "The Board". Competitors desiring to withdraw their entry should contact the Festival Office as early as possible. Entry fees and donations may be made using credit card or e-transfer. The links to credit card and e-transfer payments are on the entry form.

Program Procedures

  1. A competitor's Admission Form showing the date(s) and time(s) of the entrant's competition(s) will be sent to every competitor or may be sent in care of your teacher. This form serves two functions:

    - It serves as the admission ticket for the competitor and their musician's accompanist ONLY.

    - It notifies the contestant of possible conflicts and provides them the time to notify the Festival office to seek a solution.

  2. Each competitor must supply his/her own accompanist.

  3. A competitor may be disqualified if he/she is not ready to compete within 10 minutes of being called. A class will not be delayed accommodating latecomers, but the adjudicator's secretary may change the order of performance in a class to accommodate those who have been competing at other locations.

  4. A chord may be given on the piano at the beginning of each piece of unaccompanied music.

  5. At the discretion of the adjudicator, two or more competitors awarded the highest marks in their class may be selected to compete in a final test.

  6. "The Board" may split any class with large entry numbers into two or more groups of approximately equal numbers. Awards and certificates will be issued for each group (splits) as a separate class. For Special "T" Trophy Classes, including individual split classes, the winning competitor from each with the highest mark, or adjudicator's recommendation, will compete in the actual trophy class.

  7. "The Board" reserves the right to appoint additional or substitute adjudicators.

Awards and Trophies

  1. For School entries in 2025, we will award Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Merit Awards. We will also award $50 for selected Gold Awards earned by a school. Classes eligible for a Gold Prize $50 award will be listed with "P" in the School Section of the Syllabus. Eligible classes include:

    Secondary Schools:
    Bands: 13101, 13102, 13103, 13104, 13105, 13106, 13107, 3108, 13109, 13110, 13111, 13112, 13113, 13114, 13115, 13116
    Choirs: 13201, 13202, 13203, 13204, 13205, 13208, 13209, 13212
    Orchestras: 13301, 13302, 13303, 13304, 13305, 13306, 13309, 13310
    Guitar: 13801
    Percussion: 13805

    Elementary School:
    Bands: 13117, 13118, 13119
    Choirs: 13214, 13215, 13216, 13217
    Orchestras: 13311, 13312, 13313

  2. For all other entrants, in 2025, we will award First, Second and Third place certificates as recommended by the adjudicators. Participation Certificates will be given to entrants who do not receive a First, Second or Third.

  3. In non-competitive classes, entrants will receive a Certificate of Performance to recognize their achievement in the festival.

  4. Competitors will be presented Awards in accordance with the following minimum marks:

    Criteria for First, Second or Third Place Certificates
    1st place certificate - minimum 80 marks
    2nd place certificate - minimum 77 marks
    3rd place certificate - minimum 75 marks

    Criteria for Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit Awards
    Awarding Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit Awards are related to external standards, the accomplishment of all groups at their individual level of development. An award does not represent a comparison between the groups that are present in one class in the Festival.

    - Gold Award. This award recognizes a performance that is well prepared and musical, with some aspects of the performance that elevates it beyond mere technical mastery of the selection. It should be a memorable event in the artistic life of both the audience and performer, recognizing the developmental level of the group and the repertoire.

    - Silver Award. This award recognizes a performance that is technically well prepared, with few minor flaws. It reflects a solid performance that demonstrates mastery of the technique, with a basic understanding of the musical materials contained in the selection, recognizing the developmental level of the group and the repertoire.

    - Bronze Award. This award recognizes a performance that has a solid technical foundation with few major deficiencies in technique or musicianship, recognizing the developmental level of the group and the repertoire.

    - Award of Merit. This award recognizes a performance that demonstrates a basic level of technical preparation, with a sense of preparation and technical development, recognizing the developmental level of the group and the repertoire.

  5. Each competitor will receive the adjudicator's written report.

  6. Certificates will be presented to winners. Certificates will be withheld if the above mark standards have not been met.

  7. Decisions made by the adjudicator are final.


  9. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations shall disqualify the competitor.

  10. At the discretion of "The Board", any competitor may be invited to perform at a concert without remuneration or payment for incidental expenses.

Complaints and Protests

  1. All teachers, parents and students are forbidden from approaching any adjudicator at any time during or following the festival with the intent to debate an outcome or an award.

  2. Anyone violating this directive will be removed from the class and forbidden from attending any other classes for the duration of the festival.

  3. All complaints must be submitted in writing to "The Board" which will deal with the complaint.

  4. All decisions by "The Board" will be final and not open to further debate.

  5. It must be accepted that the appeal of the festival is found in the "spirit" of the event and not necessarily the detailed analysis of all outcomes.

  6. Award choices by adjudicators can be motivated by potential and a perceived need for encouragement and not necessarily on marks and placement alone. There must be a place for the subjective in the arts.


Syllabus and Program



Correct Class



The remainder must be covered by donations and advertising sales. Donations to the Kiwanis Music Festival of London are greatly appreciated. An income tax receipt will be issued for donations of $10 or more.


When ordering music, please allow at least 6-8 weeks for delivery, as music is frequently out of stock and may need to be specially ordered.

It is unlawful to copy any portion of music or text without authorization from the copyright holder. To do so is a violation of the Canadian Copyright Act. It is unfair to deny the author/composer just recompense for work that may represent years of effort. Photocopying of copyright music for the purpose of performance is illegal. No photocopies, computer- generated copies or copy derived from computer programmes will be allowed in this Festival in any case whatsoever, unless they show legal authorization by the publisher.


All competitors should be aware that churches and schools allow the festival to use their space for competitions.
Therefore, leave the rooms as you found them, so that we will be welcomed back.

  1. The conductor or delegated member of the teaching staff must be directly responsible for their students from the time of arrival to departure.

  2. A room will be assigned to each choir, band. or orchestra. In some situations, different schools will share a room. Adult supervision must be present at all times when the students are in the assigned room.

  3. A prompt will occur when choirs, bands or orchestras will go to their assigned area in the concert hall.

  4. Students are expected to stay in the concert hall with their group until their class has been adjudicated and dismissed.

  5. Students may not travel back and forth between practice rooms and the concert hall. Please alert the Hall Manager when bussing schedules interfere with times of performances.

  6. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS: The host school will automatically provide the following heavy percussion equipment - three tympani and one bass drum. Beyond that, all participating schools MUST PROVIDE THEIR OWN EQUIPMENT such as: snare drums, all cymbals, all sticks, small specialty

    Further equipment can be provided UPON EARLIER REQUEST to Shawn Chabot at Saunders S.S. (519-452- 2770) such as additional tympani (up to 7), chimes, gong, and mallet keyboards.



A special series of evening competitions will be held, featuring the most advanced Bands, Orchestras, and Choirs, as well as the Young-Ja Park Memorial Piano Competition, and the Rose Bowl Competition for soloists. Tickets for these special competitions will cost $5.00 cash, for each event, and will be available at the door. Debit & credit card facility may be available at some larger venues. Children 12 years and under are admitted at no charge.

Guests may purchase a single session admission, at a cost of $5.00 cash for daily classes. The $15.00 FESTIVAL V.I.P. PASS is good for admission to all events during the Festival.

The V.I.P. Pass does not include admission to the Stars of the Festival Gala Concert on Wednesday, May 28, 2025. Admission is $15.00 per person for the Stars Concert. Children 12 years and under are admitted at no charge.

Videos, Flash Cameras, Interviews, Recording Devices

Due to the privacy act:

  1. photography or recording of any kind, using any type of camera or other electronic equipment, is not permitted during performances.

  2. no video or audio recording of adjudicator's remarks.

    Signs will be posted in every hall prohibiting the use of all recording devices.

    If charges are laid, the photographer/operator assumes 100% liability. The Kiwanis Music Festival of London is absolved from any further responsibility.

Entry fees cover approximately HALF of the costs of producing this Festival. The remainder must be covered by donations, admission fees, program and advertising sales. Volunteers handle all the activities. We ask that you join with our volunteers, through these event fees, in making the festival possible for the youth of our city.